[10] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于行为偏好的保险需求与投资消费随机最优控制问题研究” 2024.1-2027.12,(No. 12371478)。
[9] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“基于模糊厌恶的保险需求与投资消费行为决策” 2020.1-2023.12,(No. 11971506)。
[8] 国家自然科学基金面上项目,“保险模型中考虑交易成本及偿付能力限制的最优控制策略研究”2016.1-2019.12,(No. 11571388)。
[7] 国家自然科学基金青年项目,“不同风险测度下的最优投资与再保险策略”2008.1-2010.12,(No. 10701082)。
[6] 教育部人文社科重点研究基地重大项目,偿二代下保险公司资产负债管理量化研究2016.1-2018.12, (No. 15JJD790036)。
[5] 北京市社科基金一般项目,“基于家庭金融的北京市居民资产选择与消费行为研究”2016.1-2018.12,(No. 15JGB049)。
[4] 北京高等学校“青年英才”计划项目,(No. YEPT0958)2013.1-2015.12。
[3] 教育部人文社科青年项目,保险公司最优风险控制策略研究,2012.1-2014.12,(No. 12YJC790290)。
[2] 第37批留学回国人员科研启动基金,“自身相依风险模型的破产与最优费率研究” 2010.1-2012.12。
[1] 横向课题:2022中国中青年养老调查,2022.7-2022.12.
[9] 2023年,36365线路检测中心no1优秀班主任
[8] 2020年,36365线路检测中心no1青年杰出学者
[7] 2016年12月1日,北美准精算师
[6] 2016年6月15日,中央财经大学涌金奖励基金--教师学术奖
[5] 2011年6月10日,中央财经大学涌金奖励基金--教师学术奖
[4] 2010年10月11日,中国精算师协会正会员
[3] 2007年10月,南开大学优秀博士毕业论文
[2] 2006年6月,南开大学优秀毕业生
[1] 2006年5月,钟家庆优秀论文奖
寿险精算学 、应用随机过程 、精算风险管理
[36] Peng Li, Ming Zhou* (2024+). Optimal timing of business conversion for solvency improvement, Atca Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series), In press.
[35] Liu, B., Zhang, L., Zhou, M.* (2024). Portfolio selections for insurers with ambiguity aversion: minimizing the probability of ruin. Applied Economics, 56(12), pp. 1423-1439.
[34] Meng, H,, Wei, L., Zhou, M.* (2023). Multiple per-claim reinsurance based on maximizing the Lundberg exponent. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics, 112, pp. 33-47.
[33] Cuixia Chen, Yijia Lin*, Ming Zhou* (2023). Risk-Seeking Behavior and Its Implications for the Optimal Decision-Making of Annuity Insurers. North American Actuarial Journal, 27(1), pp. 25-46.
[32] Li, P., Zhou, M.*, Yao, D. (2022). Optimal time for the excess of loss reinsurance with fixed costs. International Review of Economics & Finance, 79, pp. 466-475.
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[30] Peng Li, Qingbin Meng, K.C. Yuen, Ming Zhou* (2021). Optimal dividend and risk control policies in the presence of a fixed transaction cost. Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics. Volume 388, 113271.
[29] Mi Chen, Ming Zhou, Haiyan Liu, K.C. Yuen (2020). Optimal dividends and reinsurance with capital injection under thinning dependence. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 51(16), pp. 5728-5749
[28] Bing Liu, Hui Meng, Ming Zhou* (2021). Optimal investment and reinsurance policies for an insurer with ambiguity aversion. The North American Journal of Economics and Finance. Volume 55, 101303.
[27] Bing Liu(博士生), Ming Zhou* (2021). Robust Portfolio Selection for Individuals: Minimizing the Probability of Lifetime Ruin. Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 17(2), pp. 937-952.
[26] Jingzhen Liu, Yike Wang, Ming Zhou (2021). Utility maximization with habit formation of interaction, Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization. 17(3), pp. 1451-1469.
[25] Bing Liu(博士生), Ming Zhou*, Peng Li (2020). Optimal investment and premium control for insurers with ambiguity. Communications in Statistics-Theory and Methods 49(9), pp. 2110--2130.
[24] Ming Zhou, Jan Dhaene, Jing Yao (2018). An Approximation Method for Risk Aggregations and Capital Allocation Rules based on Additive Risk Factor Models. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 79, pp. 92-100.
[23] Ming Zhou*, Kam C. Yuen and Chuancun Yin (2017). “Optimal investment and premium control for insurers with a nonlinear diffusion model”. Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series).33(4), pp. 945--958.
[22] Yichun Chi and Ming Zhou (2017). “Optimal reinsurance design: a mean-variance approach”. The North American Actuarial Journal. 2017(1), pp. 1-14.
[21] Hui Meng*, Ming Zhou and Tak Kuen Siu (2016). "Optimal reinsurance policies with two reinsurers in continuous time”. Economic Modelling, 59, pp. 182-195.
[20] Hui Meng*, Ming Zhou and Tak Kuen Siu (2016). "Optimal dividend-reinsurance with two types of premium principles”. Probability in the engineering and informational sciences, 30, pp. 224-243.
[19] Peng Li(博士生), Ming Zhou* and Chuancun Yin (2015). “Optimal reinsurance with both proportional and fixed costs”, Statistics and Probability Letters, 106, pp. 134-141.
[18] K.C. Yuen, Zhibin Liang and Ming Zhou (2015). “Optimal proportional reinsurance with common shock dependence”. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 64, pp. 1-13.
[17] Ming Zhou* and Kam C. Yuen. (2015). “Portfolio selection by minimizing the present value of capital injection costs”. Astin Bulletin, 45 (1), pp. 207-238. (SSCI)
[16] Peng Li, Chuancun Yin* and Ming Zhou. (2014) Dividend Payments with a Hybrid Strategy in the Compound Poisson Risk Model. Applied Mathematics, 5, pp. 1933-1949.
[15] Peng Li, Chuancun Yin* and Ming Zhou. (2014). “The Compound Poisson Risk Model Perturbed by Diffusion with a Hybrid Dividend Strategy”. Journal of Management Science and Practice 2(2), pp. 8-20.
[14] Ming Zhou* and Jun Cai. (2014). “Optimal dynamic risk control for insurers with state-dependent income”, Journal of Applied Probability 51(2), pp. 417-435.
[13] Ming Zhou and K F C Yiu*. (2014). “Optimal dividend strategy with transaction costs for an upward jump model”. Quantitative Finance 14(6), pp. 1097-1106.
[12] Peng Li, Chuancun Yin* and Ming Zhou. (2013). “The exit time and the dividend value function for one-dimensional diffusion processes”. Abstract and Applied Analysis, Volume 2013, Article ID 675202.
[11] Lihua Bai, Jun Cai and Ming Zhou*. (2013). “Optimal reinsurance policies for an insurer with a bivariate reserve risk process in a dynamic setting”. Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 53, pp. 664-670.
[10] Jingfeng Xu and Ming Zhou*. (2012). “Optimal risk control and dividend distribution policies for a diffusion model with terminal value”. Mathematical and Computer Modelling 56, pp. 180-190.
[9] Ming Zhou* and Kam C Yuen. (2012). “Optimal reinsurance and dividend for a diffusion model with capital injection: variance premium principle.” Economic Modelling 29(2), pp. 198-207.
[8] Ming Zhou*, Hongbin Dong and Jingfeng Xu. (2011) “Optimal combinational of quota-share and stop-loss reinsurance contracts under VaR and CTE with a constrained reinsurance premium”, Journal of Systems Science and Complexity, 24(1), pp. 156-166.
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[3] Junyi Guo*, Kam C. Yuen and Ming Zhou. (2007). “Ruin probabilities in Cox risk models with two dependent classes of business”, Acta Mathematica Sinica (English Series) 23, pp. 1281-1288.
[2] Ming Zhou*, Li Wei and Junyi, Guo. (2006). “Some results behind dividend problems”, Acta Mathematicae Applicatae Sinica (English Series) 22, pp. 681-686.
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