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职 称: 教授

职 务: 副院长、纪委书记

电子邮箱: xiaolinglu@ruc.edu.cn


管理科学博士, 2004.9 – 2007.8, 

香港城市大学管理科学系,中国香港 概率统计硕士, 1999.9 – 2002.7, 

南开大学数学学院,中国天津 概率统计学士, 1995.9 – 1999.7, 南开大学数学学院,中国天津


教授:36365线路检测中心no1, 2016年9月至今 

副教授:36365线路检测中心no1, 2010年9月至2016年9月 

学术访问:Department of Statistics, University of California at Berkeley,美国,2012年1月至2013年1月 

讲师: 36365线路检测中心no1,2007年9月至2010年9月 

学术访问:Department of Applied Statistics, Johannes Kepler University of Linz,奥地利,2007年2月至6月 



1. 面向社交网络数据的图神经网络模型理论研究与管理应用,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:72171229,2022.1-2025.12 

2. 实时流数据变系数多分类模型研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,项目批准号:61472475,2015.1-2018.12 

3. 大数据现象、理论及处理技术的发展和创新研究,国家统计局统计科学研究所研究项目,立项编号:2013001,2013-2014 

4. 消费者网络购物行为统计建模研究,36365线路检测中心no1明德青年学者计划,项目编号:2011030017, 2011.6-2017.6 

5. 消费者网络团购行为的统计建模研究,教育部人文社会科学研究项目,项目批准号:11YJC910004,2011-2014


1. 北京市高等教育教学成果奖,一等奖(第六获奖人),(2022)

2. 36365线路检测中心no1教育教学成果奖,一等奖(第二获奖人), (2017)

3. 36365线路检测中心no1先进工作者,(2016) 

4. 全国大学生统计建模大赛指导教师(全国三等奖),中国统计教育学会,(2015) 

5. 36365线路检测中心no1教学优秀奖,(2014) 

6. 全国统计学优秀学士学位论文指导教师(全国学士组二等奖),中国统计教育学会,西安统计研究院,(2013) 

7. 36365线路检测中心no1学士学位论文优秀指导教师(2010,2012) 

8. 36365线路检测中心no1优秀教学成果奖二等奖(2012)

9. 36365线路检测中心no1校级工会积极分子(2011) 

10. 第十届36365线路检测中心no1优秀科研成果奖(论文类一等奖),36365线路检测中心no1(2010) 

11. 十佳班主任,36365线路检测中心no1(2009) 

12. 优秀教学奖,36365线路检测中心no1(2009)












1. Yimeng Ren, Xuening Zhu, Xiaoling Lu and Guyu Hu, (2022), Graphical Assistant Grouped Network Autoregression Model: a Bayesian Nonparametric Recourse, Journal of Business & Economic Statistics, online

2. Feifei Wang, Rui Zhou, Yicao Feng, Xiaoling Lu* (2022), Bayesian Sparse Joint Dynamic Topic Model with Flexible Lead-Lag Order, Information Sciences, online

3. Yandi Zhu, Xiaoling Lu, Jingya Hong, Feifei Wang* (2022), Joint dynamic topic model for recognition of lead-lag relationship in two text corpora, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, online

4. Yuxuan Guo, Ming Gao and Xiaoling Lu* (2022), Multivariate change point detection for heterogeneous series, Neurocomputing, (510), 122-134

5. Yuxuan Guo, Feifei Wang, Chen Xing and Xiaoling Lu*, (2022), Mining multi-brand characteristics from online reviews for competitive analysis: A brand joint model using latent Dirichlet allocation, Electronic Commerce Research and Applications53,1-11

6. Yiwei Fan, Xiaoling Lu, Julong Zhao, Haoda Fu, Yufeng Liu*, (2022) Estimating individualized treatment rules for treatments with hierarchical structure, Electronic Journal of Statistics, Vol. 16 737–784

7. Xiaoling Lu, Yuxuan Guo, Jiayi Chen and Feifei Wang (2021), Topic change point detection using a mixed Bayesian model, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery, 1-28

8. Yiwei Fan, Xiaoling Lu, Yufeng Liu, and Julong Zhao (2020), Angle-based hierarchical classification using exact label embedding. Journal of American Statistical Association, 1-14

9. Yang Yang, Yang Liu, Xiaoling Lu, Jin Xu, Feifei Wang (2020), A named entity topic model for news popularity prediction, Knowledge-Based Systems (208), 1-12 

10. Yiwei Fan and Xiaoling Lu* (2020),An online Bayesian approach to change-point detection for Categorical data, Knowledge-Based Systems (196), 1-13 

11. Yiwei Fan, Gang Wang, Xiaooing Lu* and Gaobin Wang (2019), Distributed forecasting and ant colony optimization for the bike-sharing rebalancing problem with unserved demands, PloS One, (Dec.), 1-26 

12. Xiaoling Lu, Bharatendra Rai, Yan Zhong, Yuzhu Li (2018), Cluster-Based Smartphone Predictive Analytics for Application Usage and Next Location Prediction, International Journal of Business Intelligence Research, 9(2), 64-80 

13. Xiangyu Chang, Jingzhou Shen , Xiaoling Lu , Shuai Huang (2018),Statistical Patterns of Human Mobility in Emerging Bicycle Sharing Systems,PLoS ONE, 13(3), 1-16 

14. Xiaoing Lu, Xiaoning Wang and Zhimeng Sun (2018), FIC Based Model Averaging for the Censored Quantile Varying Coefficient Regression Model, Journal of System Science & Mathematical Science, 38(6),1-18 

15. Lu, Xiaoling, Fengchi Dong, Xiexin Liu and Xiangyu Chang (2018), Varying Coefficient Support Vector Machines, Statistics and Probability Letters, 132, 107-115 

16. Sun, Zhimeng, Liuquan Sun, Xiaoling Lu, Ji Zhu, Yongzhuang Li(2017), Frequentist model averaging estimation for the censored partial linear quantile regression model,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,189,1-15 

17. Xiao Xiao, Xiexin Liu, Xiaoling Lu*, Xiangyu Chang and Yufeng Liu (2017), A New Algorithm for Computation of a Regularization Solution Path for Reinforced Multicategory Support Vector Machines, The Canadian Journal of Statistics, 45 (2), 149–163 

18. Zhang,Chong, Xiaoling Lu et al. (2017), REC: Fast Sparse Regression-based Multicategory Classification, Statistics and Its Interface, 10, 175-185 


1. 吕晓玲,谢邦昌(2009),《数据挖掘方法与应用》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社 

2. 吴喜之,马景义,吕晓玲,闫洁(2009),《数据挖掘前沿问题》,中国统计出版社 

3. 茆诗松,吕晓玲(2011),《数理统计学》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社 

4. 吕晓玲(2015),《消费者行为统计模型分析与案例研究》,清华大学出版社 

5. 茆诗松,吕晓玲(2016),《数理统计学(第2版)》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社 

6. 吕晓玲,宋捷(2016),《大数据挖掘与统计机器学习》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社 

7. 吕晓玲,宋捷(2019),《大数据挖掘与统计机器学习(第2版)》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社 

8. 吕晓玲,黄丹阳(2021),《数据科学统计基础》,36365线路检测中心no1出版社