2023-2027 国家自然科学基金委员会,重大项目,12292984,“机理与数据融合驱动的极端天气事件精准预报研究”,372万元,在研,参与。
2023-2027 国家自然科学基金委员会,重点项目,12231017,“基于高斯随机场的复杂结构数据分析”,235万元,在研,第一课题负责人。
2019-2022 广东省重点领域研发计划项目,2019B110206001,“珠三角PM2.5和臭氧污染协同控制及示范”, 800万,参与,结题。
2019-2022 国家自然科学基金委员会, 面上项目, 11871485,“海量时空数据的统计建模:方法与应用”,主持,52万,结题。
2016-2021 科技部国家重点研发计划,“空气质量统计诊断模型”,课题二负责人,课题282万(项目1604万),结题
2015 “海外高层次人才计划”青年项目,100万,结题
2015-2017 国家自然科学基金委员会, 青年项目,“基于函数型数据分析的联合统计建模:理论与应用”,11401013,主持,22万,结题
•Tan, J., Zhang, G., Wang, X.*, Huang, H.*, & Yao, F.* (2024). “Green’s matching: an efficient approach to parameter estimation in complex dynamic systems”. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society Series B: Statistical Methodology, https://doi.org/10.1093/jrsssb/qkae031
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•Chen, Y., Chang, X., Zhang, B. and Huang, H.*(2024) “Efficient and effective calibration of numerical model outputs using hierarchical dynamic models." The Annals of Applied Statistics, 18(2) 1064-1089.
•Chen, Y., Chang, X., Luo, F. and Huang, H.* (2023). “Additive dynamic models for correcting numerical model outputs”, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis ,187, 107799
•He, Y., Martinez, L., Ge, Y., Feng, Y., Chen, Y., Tan, J., … , Huang, H.*, Sun, J. *and Shen, Y.* (2023). “Social mixing and network characteristics of COVID-19 patients before and after widespread interventions: A population-based study”. Epidemiology and Infection, 151, e141.
•Tan, J., Shen, Y., Ge, Y., Martinez, L. & Huang, H.* (2023) “Age-related model for estimating the symptomatic and asymptomatic transmissibility of COVID-19 patients”. Biometrics, 79, 2525–2536.
•Wang, F., Duan, C., Li, Y., Huang, H.*, & Shia, B. C. (2023). “Spatiotemporal varying coefficient model for respiratory disease mapping in Taiwan”. Biostatistics , 25(1), 40–56.
• Tan, J., Ge, Y., Martinez, L., Sun, J., Li, C., Westbrook, A., … Huang, H. *(2022). “Transmission roles of symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 cases: a modelling study”. Epidemiology and Infection, 150, e171.
• 郭泽睿,黄辉,谭键滨,孙琬琬,丰燕,潘金仁,葛阳,沈晔,凌锋*(2021)“影响新型冠状病毒肺炎无症状感染者发现率的密切接触者调查因素分析”,中国预防医学杂志,第22卷第8期
• Liang, D., Huang, H., Guan, Y. and Yao, F.* (2022) “Test of Weak Separability for Spatially Stationary Functional Field”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 118 (543), 1606–1619
• Xu, G., Wang, M., Bian, J., Burch, T., Andrade, S., Huang, H., Zhang, J. and Guan, Y*. (2020) “Semiparametric Learning of Structured Temporal Point Processes”, Journal of Machine Learning Research, 21(192):1−39,
•Wan, Y., Xu, M.Y., Huang, H. and Chen, S.X. *(2020) “A spatio-temporal model for the analysis and prediction of fine particulate matter concentration in Beijing”, Environmetrics, DOI: 10.1002/env.2648
• Liang, D., Zhang, H., Chang, X. and Huang, H.* (2020) “Modeling and Regionalization of China’s PM2.5 Using Spatial-Functional Mixture Model”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 116:533, 116-132
• Liang, X., S. Li, S. Zhang, H. Huang*, and S. X. Chen* (2016), “PM2.5 datareliability, consistency, and airquality assessment in five Chinese cities”, Journal of Geophysical Research: Atomspheres, 121, 10,220–10,236
• Liang, X., Zou, T., Guo, B., Li, S., Zhang, H., Zhang, S., Huang, H.*, Chen, S-C*. (2015), “Assessing Beijing’s PM2.5 Pollution: Severity, Weather Impact, APEC and Winter Heating", Proceedings Royal Society A, 471:2182.
• Huang, H., Li, Y., and Guan, Y. *(2014), “Joint modeling and clustering paired generalized longitudinal trajectories with application to cocaine abuse treatment data”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 1412-1424.
• Huang, H., Ma, X., Waagepetersen, R., Holford, T., Wang, R., Risch, H., and Guan, Y.* (2014), “A new estimation approach for combining spatial epidemiology data obtained from different sources”, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 11-23.
• Huang, H.*, Roy, A., Adali, T., and Correa,N. (2012), “Bootstrap Testing of 2D Electrophoresis Gels Across Groups”, Stat, 1, 115-124.