理学学士: 03/1978-01/1982, 齐齐哈尔师院数学系
理学硕士: 09/1986-01/1989, 哈尔滨工业大学数力系
理学博士: 09/1993-08/1996, 香港科技大学数学系
1977年8月--1978年2月 工 人 大兴安岭地区大杨树林业局乌鲁布铁林场
1982年3月--1988年7月 助 教 齐齐哈尔师范学院数学系
1996年9月--1998年5月 博士后 中国科学院数学研究所
1998年6月--2001年6月 副教授 :36365线路检测中心no1统计学系
2001年7月--现在 教 授: 36365线路检测中心no1
1997年1-7月 香港科技大学数学系访问学者
2005年8月--2006年2月,Wanyne State University 高级访问学者
2009年1月--现在 Associate Editor (2009-): Communication in Statistics, Theory and Methods.
2009年1月--现在 Associate Editor (2009-): Communication in Statistics, Simulation and Computation.
2009年1月--现在 Excutive Managing Editor : Journal of Data Science.
2008年1月--现在 编委 : 数据分析.
2014年1月--2022年12 编委 数理统计与管理
2014年1月--2022年12 常务理事 现场统计研究会
20019年7月--现在 IMS China 理事
教育部重点研究基地重大项目:基于高频数据的中国金融市场微观结构研究 2006-2009
国家自然科学基金:倒向随机微分方程,非线性数学期望及其应用研究 2008-2010
国家自然科学基金:基于高频数据的股市极端风险测度及防范研究 2011-2013
国家自然科学基金:金融资产配置中面板数据动态因子模型研究 2013-2016
教育部重点研究基地重大项目:金融风险测度与管理若干前沿问题研究 2014-2016
国家自然科学基金: 基于非结构化数据的个人信用评价,2019-2022.
国家自然科学基金: 面向中小微企业金融信息服务的网络结构数据建模及应用2023-2026
2016 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(自然科学)二等奖: 金融风险测度相关理论研究
2015 国务院特殊津贴
2005 教育部新世纪优秀人才奖励计划
2008 全国统计科学优秀科研成果论文三等奖
2007 36365线路检测中心no1优秀科研成果论文类一等奖
Ding Y., Deng J. and Zhang B. (2023+). An improved Spectral Clustering Method for Large-Scale Sparse Networks. Statistics and Its Interface (accepted)
Liang W., Wu B.* and Zhang B.* (2024) Modeling volatility for high-frequency data with rounding error: a nonparametric Bayesian approach. Statistics and Computing 34(2024)DOI:10.1007/s11222-023-10341-0
Deng J., Ding Y., Zhu Y. Huang D.*, Jing B., Zhang B.* (2024)Subsampling Spectral Clustering for Stochastic Block Models in Large-Scale Networks,Computational Statistics and Data Analysis.( Vol. 189, 107835)
Liang W., Wu B. Fan X., Jing B. Zhang B.* (2023) High-dimensional volatility matrix estimation with the cross-sectional dependent and heavy-tailed microstructural noises,Journal of Systems Science & Complexity, Vol.36(5), 2125–2154.
Ding Y., Pan R.*, Zhang Y., Zhang B.* (2023) A Matrix Completion Bootstrap Method for Estimating Scale-Free Network Degree Distribution. Knowledge-Based Systems. Vol.277,, 110803
Huang D., Hu W*, Jing B., Zhang B.* (2023), Grouped Spatial Autoregressive Model, Computational Statistics and Data Analysis. Vol. 178(2), 107601
高维清,吴奔,张波*(2023),通货膨胀率的非平稳时间序列预测和结构性断点诊断: 以中美等国为例,计量经济学报, 3(1): 108-127.
高维清,吴奔*,张波*(2022),金融高频高维数据的波动率矩阵估计:基于GARCH-Ito分组因子模型,中国科学 数学 52(11),1333-1360.
Yingqiu Zhu, Qiong Deng, Danyang Huang*, Jing Bingyi, Zhang Bo* (2021), Clustering based on Kolmogorov - Smirnov Statics with application to bank card transaction data, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C ,Vol70(3), 558-578.
朱映秋,张波*,(2021)基于已实现波动率的上证综指异常时间序列检测,系统工程理论与实践, Vol.41(3): 625-635.
Zhu Yingqiu,Chen Yu, Huang Danyang*, Zhang Bo, Wang Hansheng (2021) Automatic, Dynamic, and Nearly Optimal Learning Rate Specification by Local Quadratic Approximation,Neural Networks Volume 141, September 2021, Pages 11-29
Hu Wei, Huang Danyang*, Jing Bingyi, Zhang Bo* (2021),Crawling Subsampling for Multivariate Spatial Autoregression Model in Large-Scale Networks,Electronic Journal of Statistics,Vol. 15, No. 2, 3678-3707
高维清,吴奔,张波(2021),金融高频,高维数据的波动率矩阵估计:基于GARCH-Ito分组因子模型,中国科学(数学)( to appear) 2020 方国斌,马慧敏,张波*(2020),基于GEE的离散面板数据动态因子模型估计及应用,数理统计与管理,39(3),449-466.
Fang Guobin, Zhang Bo* and Chen Kani (2020),Estimation of Dynamic Mixed Double Factors Model in High Dimensional Panel Data ,Soft Computing, 24(4), 2527-2541
张波,范超,(2020),具有核化函数的部分线性模型及其应用,统计研究, 37(1),110-128.
Zhu, Yingqiu, Danyang Huang, Wei Xu, and Bo Zhang(2020). "Link prediction combining network structure and topic distribution in large-scale directed network." Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce : 1-17.
蒋远营,张波(2019), 基于非参数贝叶斯方法的随机波动建模与应用, 数理统计与管, Vol.38(1); 49-61 .
吴奔,张波*,赵丽丽(2019),不规则时间序列建模:高频与低频的统一,系统工程理论与实践,39(1): 36-48.
张波 刘晓倩(2019),基于Fused惩罚的稀疏主成分分析, 统计研究, 36(4): 119-128.
赵丽丽,张波 (2019). 基于ICA模型的投资组合稳健var方法研究. 数理统计与管理. Vol.38(2); 367-380.
Zhou, S., Zhou, J.*, & Zhang, B*. (2019). High-dimensional generalized linear models incorporating graphical structure among predictors. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 13(2), 3161-3194. 2018
Wu, H., Jiang, Y., Ma, Y. Zhang B*(2018). Credit spread index of fixed income securities in China,Soft Computing ,.22(17), 5625–5630,
王荣欣, 张波, 邓军*(2018), 波动性传导、市场板块差异与股票流动性, 国际金融研究 4: 76-85. 2017
赵丽丽,张波(2017),基于改进ICA模型的高维波动率估计 ,数理统计与管理, Vol.36, No.1,38-50。
徐美萍,张波(2017),稳定分布中偏度参数的一个新估计,中国科学-数学,43(4),423-434。 3
张波、蒋远营(2017), 基于中国股票高频交易数据的随机波动建模与应用, 统计研究,No.3,107-117
Chao Yu ,Yue Fang* Zeng Li,Bo Zhang,Xujie Zhao (2017), Nonparametric Estimation of Jump Characteristics under Market Microstructure Noise Communications in Statistics - Simulation and Computation Vol.46,Issue 5, 3575-3587.
吴奔,张波(2017),交易信息、跳跃发现与波动率估计,统计研究, No.8,109-119 2016
Zhang Bo, Bi Tao(2016), Intraday Serial Correlation,Volatility and Jump: Evidence From China`s Stock Market, Communication in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Vol.45 (4)1226–1239. 2015
吴奔,张波(2015),Hawkes过程分支比估计—— 一种简单的非参数方法 ,统计研究32(3): 92-99. 2014
Yu Chao, Fang Yue, Li Zeng, Zhang Bo, Zhao Xujie(2014), Non-Parametric Estimation Of High-Frequency Spot Volatility For Brownian Semimartingale With Jumps, Journal of Time Series Analysis,Volume 35, Issue 6, 572–591.
方国斌,张波(2014),金融资产配置中的因子面板随机波动模型,统计研究31(3): 90-98.
Yunqian Ma,Bo Zhang and Yuanying Jiang(2014),Measure Systemic Risk Of Chinese Listed Banks Based On Mes Multifactor Model,Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Financial Risk and Corporate Finance Management 294-302 . 2013
Bi Tao , Zhang Bo and Wu Huishan(2013), Measuring Downside Risk Using High Frequency Data--Realized Downside Risk Measure, Communication in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Vol.42, No.4, pages 741-754,
Jiang Hui,Zhang Bo(2013), Dynamical Memory Control Based on Projection Technique for Online Regression, Soft Computing, Vol.17, No.4, 587-596,
Bingyi Jing, Xinbing Kong, Zhi Liu and Bo Zhang(2013), Evaluating The Hedging Error in Price Processes with Jumps Present,Statistics and its Interface, Vol.6, No.4, 413–425 2012
Zhao Xia and Zhang Bo(2012), Pricing Perpetual Options with Stochastic Discount Interest Rates, Quality and Quantity, Vol.46, No.1, P341-349
Zou xiaopeng, Wei quipping, and Zhang Bo(2012), Empirical Research on M&A and Performance of Private Enterprises in China, Quality and Quantity Vol.46, No. 2.P639-651,
张波,方国斌(2012),高维面板数据降维与变量选择方法研究,统计与信息论坛,Vol.27,No.6, 21—27.
张景肖,魏秋萍,姜玉霞,张波(2012),基于两阶段思想处理拒绝推断的信用评分模型,数理统计与管理 ,No.6. 1049-1060
张景肖,魏秋萍,张波(2012),信用评分模型中稀有事件特殊采样处理方法探讨,统计与信息论坛,Vol.27,No.11, 15-19.
Xu Jing, Shang Hao and Zhang Bo(2011), A Girsanov Type Theorem Under G Framework, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 29,No.3, 386-406.
Bi Tao , Zhang Bo and Xu Rong(2011), Dynamics of intraday serial correlation in China’s stock market, Communication in Statistics – Simulation and Computation, Vol.40, No.10,p1637-1650. 2010
Zhang Bo, Xu jing and Kannan (2010), Extension and Application of Ito’s Formula under G-Framework, Stochastic Analysis and Applications,Vol.28, No.2, 322 – 349.
Xu Jing and Zhang Bo(2010), Martingale property and capacity under G-framework, ELECTRONIC Journal of Probability, Vol.15(Dec. 2010), 2041-2068 .
Xu Jing and Zhang Bo(2009), Martingale Characterization of G-Brownian Motion, Stochastic Processes and their Applications, Volume 119, Issue 1, Pages 232-248 .
Ding Y. and Zhang B(2009). Risky Asset Pricing Based on Safety First Funds Management, Quantitative Finance , Vol.9, No.3, 353-361.
Jing, BY, Kong, XB, Liu, Z ,Zhang, B (2009), Stochastic regression and its application to hedging in finance, SCIENCE IN CHINA SERIES A-MATHEMATICS, 52 (6): 1365-1372 JUN 2009
Li Biao and Zhang Bo(2009), On A Class of Quadratic Growth RBSDE with Jumps and Its Application, Stochastic Models Vol.25, No.3. 483 - 507
Ding Y. and Zhang B(2009). Optimal Portfolio of Safety-First Models,Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference,Volume 139, Issue 9,2952-2962
G. Yin, Bo Zhang and C. Zhu(2007), Practical stability and instability of regime-switching diffusions, Journal of Control Theory and Applications, 6, No.2,104--115.
Zhao Xia Zhang Bo Mao Zechun(2007), Optimal Dividend Payment Strategy under Stochastic Interest Force, Quality and Quantity,Vol.41, No.6, 927-936.
Xu J, Kannan D, and Zhang B(2007). Optimal Dynamic Control for Defined Benefit Pension Plans with Stochastic Benefit Outgo, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol.25,No.1,201-236 .
Zhang B, Xu J. and Kannan D(2007). A Backward Stochastic Differential Equation Model in Life Insurance,Dynamic Systems and Applications ,Vol.16(2),327-336 .
Li Song and Zhang Bo(2007), Controllability of Nonlinear Integrodiffential Systems in Banach Space with Nonlocal Conditions,Dynamic Systems and Applications,Vol.16(4),729-742.
Qiuping Wei,Bo Zhang(2007), Xiangdong Liu, A DMNeural Network Model in Individual Credit Appraisal, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Seris:A,(S1).459-462
Jing Xu, Bo Zhang(2007), Doob`s Martingale Inequality in G-Framework, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Seris:A,(S1) 742-745.
Bo Zhang, Xia Zhao(2007), The expected discount penalty function under stochastic interest governed by Markov switching process. Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Seris:A(S1).343-348.
徐静,张波(2006),给付确定型养老金计划的动态最优控制,自然科学进展,年第9期,1174-1180. 2005
张波,代金(2005),经济环境下引入投资的古典风险模型的破产概率,经济数学,No.2, 111-117.
Bo Zhang, Jingxiao Zhang, D. Kannan(2005) , Nonlinear Stochastic Difference Equations Driven by Martingales, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol.23(6), pp. 1277 – 1304.
Yaru Mo, Bo Zhang(2005), Stability of Delayed Hopfield Neural Networks with Sigmoid Output Functions, Dynamic Systems and Applications, 14(4),569-578.
Zhang Bo, Xue Fang(2004), Stability of Stochastic Evolution Equations in Hilbert Spaces, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Seris: A, Mathematical Analysis, 11, No. 1. p31-40.
Zhang Jingxiao, Zhang Bo(2004), Asymptotic Flatness of Stochastic Flow on Manifolds, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, Vol.23, No.2
王延臣,代金,张波(2004),随机利率下的保险精算函数,经济数学,Vol 21,No.3 2003
张波,张景肖,具有马氏转换的离散随机系统的性能分析,自然科学进展, 2003, 13(11):1141-1146.
魏秋萍,张波(2003),风险理论中破产模型的若干结果,经济数学,Vol.20,No.4,6-11 2002
Zhang Bo, Zhang Jingxiao(2002), Stability of Stochastic Volterra Equations with Anticipating Kernel, Journal of Mathematical Research and Exposition, No.2.p167-176.
Zhang Bo and Kannan(2002), Discrete-time Martingales with Spatial Parameters; Stochastic Analysis and Applications 20,No.5, p.1101 – 1131.
Kannan, Zhang Bo(2002), A Discrete-Time Ito’s Formula, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, 20, No.5, p.1133 – 1140. (SCI)
Zhang Yi and Zhang Bo(2002), Impulsive differential equations with initial time difference and applications, Dynamics of Continuous, Discrete and Impulsive systems, Seris: A, Mathematical Analysis, 9, No. 3. p439-448.
张波,李容禄(2001) , C_0类半群与Hilbert空间中随机发展方程的稳定性,哈尔滨工业大学学报(自然科学版), No.3. 342-345
Zhang Bo(2001), Stochastic Differential Equations, in Handbook of Stochastic Analysis and Applications (D. Kannan edit), Marcel Decker,2001.10 2000
张波(2000),补偿Levy流的实践稳定性,数学学报,No.6, 1127---1134.
TSOI A H, ZHANG B(2000) Retarded Jump-Diffusion Equations and Stability, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol.4, No.4, 495---510.
Zhang B. Kannan(2000),A Numerical Analysis of Stochastic Neural Network; Neural Parallel, and Scientific Computations, 8209-242.
TSOI A H, ZHANG B(1998) ,Practical stability in p-th mean and controllability of Levy flow, Communications in Applied Analysis, Vol.2, No1, 65-80.
薛小平,张波(1998),关于取值于局部凸空间中集值映射的积分,系统科学与数学, 第18卷.147—153
Zhang Bo(1997), Stability Theory of Stochastic Differential Systems, Bulletin of Hong Kong Mathematics Society,Vol.1,No.1, pp197--202.
TSOI A H, ZHANG B(1998), Practical stability of Ito type nonlinear stochastic differential systems and related control problems, Dynamical Systems and Applications, Vol.6,No.1,107---124.
TSOI A H, ZHANG B(1998) , Weak exponential stability of stochastic differential equations, Stochastic Analysis and Applications, Vol.15(4), 643-649.
Tsoi A H, Zhang B(1996), Lyapunov function in weak exponential stability and controlled stochastic systems. Journal of Ramanujan Math.Society Vol 11 No.2,85-102.
Zhang Bo, Tsoi A H, Weak Exponential Stabilization of Some Ito Stochastic Systems, Proceedings of Symposium on Control, Optimization & Supervision, CESA`96 IMACS Multi-conference. Lille-France, 1996,p115-117.
叶以宁,张波(1994),Lorentz序列空间的装球值问题, 数学学报,No.5,612-620。
张波,应用随机过程, 36365线路检测中心no1出版社, 2001年5月, 北京.
代金,魏秋萍,张波(译校) , 工程统计学,36365线路检测中心no1出版社,2005.4。
张波,商豪,应用随机过程(第三版), 36365线路检测中心no1出版社, 2014年1月1日, 北京.
Zhang Bo, Stochastic Differential Equations—Models and Applications, Global-Link Publishing Company, Hong Kong,sept.2010.ISBN:962-8286-81-1
张波,金婷婷,李玥 工程统计学(第五版),36365线路检测中心no1出版社,2014.11.1
张波,商豪,邓军,应用随机过程(第6版), 36365线路检测中心no1出版社, 2023年10月, 北京.