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20171101 冯龙:Difference Detection Between Two Images for Image Monitoring

题目:Difference Detection Between Two Images foe Image Monitoring


时间:2017年11月1日 9:00-10:00

地点:明德主楼 1016会议室


In manufacturing industries, images are commonly used for quality control purposes. In such applications, if the quality of the products is good, then their images should be all similar to the image of a good-quality product. Therefore, comparison of images is a fundamental task in image-based quality control. This problem, however, is complicated in the sense that 1) observed images often contain noise, and 2) the related images need to be geometrically matched up first because images of different products could be geometrically mismatched due to the fact that the relative positions between a camera and different products are often not exactly the same. The first issue requires a statistical method that can remove noise, and the second issue is related the so-called image registration problem in the image processing literature. In this paper, we propose effective methods for detecting difference between two images of products, and our proposed methods can accommodate both noise and geometric mismatch mentioned above. Theoretical results and numerical examples show that they can work effectively in applications.


冯龙,男,1988年生。2014年于南开大学获统计学博士学位。2015在佛罗里达大学做博士后。曾多次访问香港浸会大学、香港大学、新加坡国立大学。现任东北师范大学数学与36365线路检测中心no1讲师,硕士生导师。研究方向为非参数统计模型、高维数据分析、图像数据统计质量控制等。在统计学顶级期刊Annals of Statistics, Journal of the American Statistical Association, BiometrikaTechnometricsSCI期刊发表论文十篇。