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20180629 J.Richard Landis:Subgroup Discovery Using Consensus Clustering Methods: Applications to Deep Phenotyping Data

时间:2018年6月29日  14:00-16:00


题目:Subgroup Discovery Using Consensus Clustering Methods: Applications to Deep Phenotyping Data


摘要:Discovery of patient subtypes with differential profiles of risk for multiple outcomes is essential for improving health promotion and precision medicine strategies.  For many disease subpopulations, unique phenotypes exist, but their subgroup identity is not observable.  Discovery of unique clusters will potentially open up prognostic insights into likely outcomes, etiological insights into causal pathways, and prevention strategy insights for improved health outcomes. 


简介:J.Richard Landis, PhD, is Professor of Biostatistics and Director of the Division of Biostatistics in the Department of Bisotatistics, Epidemiology and Informatics, at the University of Pennsylvania Perelman School of Medicine, and holds a secondary appointment as Professor of Statistics in the Wharton School.   He has extensive experience leading NIH-funded Data Coordinating Centers (DCCs) for multi-center research networks, and has co-authored more than 180 articles in the peer-reviewed scientific literature in the areas of statistical methods for repeated measurement and longitudinal categorical data, epidemiological studies, complex sample surveys and applications to cardiovascular, ophthalmology, respiratory, psychiatric, renal and urological research.