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20181226 Sai Li: High-Dimensional inference: Debiasing the debiased Lasso with bootstrap

报告时间20181226 14:0015:00


报告题目: High-Dimensional inference: Debiasing the debiased Lasso with bootstrap


In this talk, we consider the problem of constructing confidence intervals for low-dimensional coefficients in high-dimensional linear regression models. We propose to further debias the debiased Lasso estimator with bootstrap and prove its consistency for distribution approximation under proper conditions. The proposed method admits weaker sample size conditions in existence of a large proportion of large coefficients and reveals the benefits of having strong signals.


  Sai Li is currently a postdoctoral researcher at Biostatistics Department of University of Pennsylvania. She received her PhD degree from Department of Statistics and Biostatistics at Rutgers University in 2018. Her research interests include high-dimensional statistics, bootstrap, and instrumental variable analysis.