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20171219 林共进:大数据——无关乎数据大小和数据本身,重要的是统计思维

题目:大数据: 无关乎数据大小和数据本身,重要的是统计思维


时间:2017年12月19日  10:30-11:30

地点:明德主楼  1030会议室


简介:Dr. Dennis K. J. Lin is a university distinguished professor of supply chain and statistics at Penn State University.  His research interests are quality assurance, industrial statistics, data mining, and response surface. He has published more than 200 SCI/SSCI papers in a wide variety of journals.  He currently serves or has served as associate editor for more than 10 professional journals and was co-editor for Applied Stochastic Models for Business and Industry. Dr. Lin is an elected fellow of ASA, IMS and ASQ, an elected member of ISI, a lifetime member of ICSA, and a fellow of RSS. He is an honorary chair professor for various universities.   His recent awards including, the Youden Address (ASQ, 2010), the Shewell Award (ASQ, 2010), the Don Owen Award (ASA, 2011), the Loutit Address (SSC, 2011), the Hunter Award (ASQ, 2014), and the Shewhart Medal (ASQ, 2015).  Last year, he was awarded the SPES Award at the 2016 Joint Statistical Meeting.