题目: Bayesian Sufficient Dimension Reduction by Modeling Joint Distributions
摘要: Supervised dimension reduction is a classic but still active research topic in statistics, whose goal is to discover a few linear combinations of a large number of predictors (called index variables) that contain all predictive information of the predictors to a response variable. Although many efforts have been given to this classic problem, these methods suffer form either inaccurate estimate, or lack of probabilistic interpretation, or strong assumptions. In this paper, we propose a novel Bayesian framework to tackle this classic but still challenging problem. Fitting the joint distribution of the response variable and the index variables via a nonparametric Bayesian approach, we come up with a posterior distribution of the unknown central subspace. We show that the posterior distribution obtained converges to the truth when the sample size goes to infinity, and design efficient MCMC algorithms to sample the posterior distribution. Both simulation study and real data applications show that BSDR outperforms existing methods with a much better estimation precision for a larger range of models.