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20200106 钱静:Nonidentifiability in the Presence of Factorization for Truncated Data
报告时间:2020 / 01 / 06(周一)14:00-15:00
报告地点:明德主楼 1016 会议室

报告主题:Nonidentifiability in the Presence of Factorization for Truncated Data

报告摘要:Truncation is a structured form of selection bias that arises frequently in cohort studies. A time to event, X, is left-truncated by T if X can be observed only if T

个人简介:钱静,36365线路检测中心no1统计学专业本科, 美国埃默里大学(Emory University) 生物统计专业博士,曾在美国哈佛大学(Harvard University)生物统计系进行博士后研究。现为美国麻省大学(University of Massachusetts, Amherst)生物统计与流行病学系副教授。研究领域为复杂抽样中的生存分析、分位数回归、自变量删失下的回归分析、生物标记分析与疾病风险预测。在Biometrika, Biometrics, Journal of the Royal Statistical Society, JAMA Neurology, PLOS Medicine, Cancer Research等高水平统计学、医学期刊上发表论文40余篇。现任国际数理统计学会学术期刊Annals of Applied Statistics副主编。