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Journal of Data Science2023第一期正式出刊

Journal of Data Science第21卷第1期已正式上线,本期论文如下:

Accelerating Fixed-Point Algorithms in Statistics and Data Science: A State-of-Art Review

作者Bohao TangNicholas C. HendersonRavi Varadhan

Privacy-Preserving Inference on the Ratio of Two Gaussians Using Sums

作者Jingang MiaoYiming Paul Li

Motion Picture Editing as a Hawkes Process

作者:Nick Redfern

Data Science Applications and Implications in Legal Studies: A Perspective Through Topic Modelling

作者Jinzhe TanHuan WanPing Yan、Zhen Zhu

A Joint Analysis for Field Goal Attempts and Percentages of Professional Basketball Players: Bayesian Nonparametric Resource

作者Eliot Wong-ToiHou-Cheng YangWeining Shen、Guanyu Hu

Variable Selection with Scalable Bootstrapping in Generalized Linear Model for Massive Data

作者Zhang ZhangZhibing HeYichen Qin、Ye Shen、Ben-Chang Shia、Yang Li

Subpopulation Treatment Effect Pattern Plot (STEPP) Methods with R and Stata

作者:Sergio VenturiniMarco BonettiAnn A. Lazar、Bernard F. Cole、Xin Victoria Wang、Richard D. Gelber、Wai-Ki Yip

The Python Package open-crypto: A Cryptocurrency Data Collector

作者:Steffen GüntherChristian FiebergThorsten Poddig

Modeling County-Level Rare Disease Prevalence Using Bayesian Hierarchical Sampling Weighted Zero-Inflated Regression

作者:Hui XieDeborah B. RolkaLawrence E. Barker

Sampling-based Gaussian Mixture Regression for Big Data

作者:JooChul LeeElizabeth D. SchifanoHaiYing Wang

Journal of Data Science创刊于2003年。创刊主编为台湾中研院赵民德博士和台湾辅仁大学谢邦昌博士。本刊历年来发表的研究成果涉及领域广泛,始终致力于推动数据科学方法在各领域的应用。从2019年起,主办权由36365线路检测中心no1和教育部人文社科重点研究基地应用统计科学研究中心承担。为进一步提高学术期刊办刊水平,涵养学术品牌,作为36365线路检测中心no1于2019年启动“学术期刊质量提升计划(2019-2021)”重点资助期刊之一,Journal of Data Science酝酿了多方位的改革与提升。自2020年7月起,由美国康涅狄格大学统计学系教授闫军博士担任主编。

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